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Print the 2025 poster & help spread the word!

Join Us In Prairie City, Oregon

Beneath the backdrop of the Strawberry Mountains, with sun-filled days and starry nights, we invite you to Prairie City. We will provide you with two full days of relaxing fun. Come meet up with old friends and make new acquaintances while you share your love for fiber. 



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Teresa Ewe

The Prairie City Fiber Fest is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose proceeds directly benefit Grant County 4H and FFA youth. The Festival Board is a small group of diverse residents who value our community and its traditional values, and see the festival as an opportunity for youth to gain employment skills for their future, while providing educational and economic benefits to Grant County communities.


Prairie City conceals a hidden treasure behind each and every door. So stop your car, get out and walk main street, open the doors of its businesses and step into another world.

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Contact Us


Ginger Shive, Festival Director

Trish Lindaman, President

Nancy Harris, Secretary

Eloise Boren, Advertising  & Marketing

Taci Philbrook, Vendors (

vacant, FFA student

Anna Marie Smith

Karen Jacobs

Betsy Koncerak


Our Mailing Address

530 E. MAIN ST,  SUITE 3
JOHN DAY, OR 97845

Private BBQ Area
& Fire Pit

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